Heron Tower Marketing Suite, London, United Kingdom. Architect: EVENT COMMUNICATION, 2008.

Heron Tower Marketing Suite, London, United Kingdom. Architect: EVENT COMMUNICATION, 2008.

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Image Details:
Image File: EVE-HER-0029
Caption: Heron Tower Marketing Suite, London, United Kingdom. Architect: EVENT COMMUNICATION, 2008. HERON TOWER MARKETING SUITE INTERIOR VIEW.
Property Release: No
Model Release: No
Dimensions in PX: 4720 x 3554 pixels
Date of Photograph: 14/12/2008
Restriction: Rights-Managed
Credit: Edmund Sumner/VIEW
Building Details:
View Project Number: 61305
Building Name: Heron Tower Marketing Suite
Headline: Heron Tower Marketing Suite, London, United Kingdom. Architect: EVENT COMMUNICATION, 2008.
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Architect Website: http://www.eventcomm.com/
Category: Corporate And Commercial
Building Type: Office
Year of Completion: 2008
Collection: VIEW Architecture
Public Notes:
Keywords: Office; London; Uk; Europe; International; Business; Tower; Skyscraper; High; Develop; Skyline; Heron; Heron Tower; Theatre; Presentation; Interior; Sumner; Edmund Sumner; 2008; 2007; Boom; Bust; Money; Vision; Rent; Rental; City
Orientation: H
Type: Office
B/W or Colour:
Number of People:
People Incidental:
Point of View:
Time of Day:
Interior or Exterior:
Photographer: Edmund Sumner
Source File Name: EVE-HER-0029.jpg
Copyright Info URL: www.viewpictures.co.uk